Monday, December 10, 2007

Guess What!!!!!

Hi, you Seafood lovers!!!!! Guess what gravy this is? I know this is a very simple one. Just to identify how many of you are familar with this. Please give me the name of it........
Recipe coming sooon....


  1. Kerala style mathi curry? mulaku charu? :)
    I am droooooooooooooling.... looks so hot.

  2. I know that it's a fish curry. But I wondering the name. If my hubby would have been here he would have guessed it. Anyway, my guess is butterfish kuzhambu.

  3. i think it looks like fish curry

  4. Rina, I have no idea at all!! :) but it looks great!! any soy sauce based thing?? maybe not:(

  5. I think it's crab! is it? Looks nice and spicy...

  6. Wow!! Rina!! Spicy looking fish curry. I think there is tamarind in the fish curry but can't guess the name dear!!!

  7. yumm looks superb...i think its sardine fish curry/mathi curry....looks spicy...

  8. ok..its fish curry added with koda puli ..

  9. Fish Curry with sardines? and looks mouth watering.

  10. this is ila fish curry????? or squid curry *gulp*

  11. Ambot-tikh ?
    Fish Spicy+Sour ? The dish looks a lot like that.. has tamarind with chilli...:D

  12. Thanks again girls. some fo you did get it.

  13. looks gr8!! but i am very poor with the names...

  14. Looks like sardines in fiery red curry, to me....but that doesnt matter, I have a mouth full of water to sail a ship !!!!!

  15. Fish curry for sure, which fish I am not sure :)

  16. It has to be ayela, with loads of red chillies & pulli/tamarind. gosh cant control my saliva!!! drooool!! Looks soooo very hot. I hope you will keep this in your list of menu when I visit you either in Canada or in Vizag!! Love it

  17. Rina i think it is kerala fish curry don't know what the name is bit the spicy one.
    I have been going back and froth to the pic and that is a torture as every time i see the meen vurry i want to have a huge plate of rice and eat the whole curry

  18. hey Rina,
    Mathi curry! Did u make tapioca too?

  19. hi rina, got it! this is spicy mathi curry... remember Arunthadhi Roy mentioning red hot Kerala fish curry in 'God of Small Things' :D

  20. Well I know that it is a fish curry :)

  21. Thankyou all for your guess. Well it is easy to know that it is a fish gravy. I wanted the name of the fish. So whoever said it is Sardine or Mathi, got it right. Sig and remya where the first one to get it right. Well done girls. Here the recipe comes....


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