Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Peanut Punch

DSC00535 I have little time to click for this month's Click Event - Liquids, created and hosted by the famous duo in the blogosphere - Bee & jai. So decided to send this liquid drink as an entry which I posted for Peanut butter Punch.

DSC00562Now going straight into the receipe...
2 Tbsp Peanut Butter Smooth
2 Cups Milk of your choice(fat free or 1-3%)
2 Tsbp Evapurated Milk
1 Tsp Condensed Milk
2 Tbsp Sugar
4 Ice Cubes
Garnish : Your choice of fruit
DSC00534 Procedure :
In a blendor add all the ingredients.

See that there is no Peanut butter sticking to blendor seperately.

Blend them for a minute or so two times.

Pour into a serving glass and garnish with fruit.



  1. lovely pic....gud entry... love this smoothiee

  2. looks great Rina! I have something in mind for Click...but I'm still seeing how to execute it:) after seeing manisha's entry though, I don't think I stand a chance:) hehehe...

  3. yum! the recipe actually!!

  4. I love the garnish it compliments the colour of the drink so well.

  5. What an idea. I love peanut butter but the idea of drinking it is novel! :D

  6. Thanks all,

    Mansi, indeed Manisha's entry is gr8.

  7. Reading the ingridient list it has to be super delicious.

  8. punch looks wonderful rina great entry for click

  9. What a healthy drink can that be if peanut butter mixed with soy milk. Protein rich. Thanks for sharing the recipe rina and the photos are stunning.

  10. Wow I really love the pics. This is a great entry. The colours are fab.

  11. lovely entry, your curried turkey wings too looks great..that bowl too looks nice! :)

  12. peanut butter and milk, lovely...the blood orange slice looks very pretty!

  13. Hi Rina, Never heard of this drink bf4. Looks refreshing..reminding me of a cold coffee with its color..

  14. wow... peanut smoothie. I've never tried this before. Loved your pictures. Nice entry for the click event.


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