Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Earth Hour with Pear Walnut Salad...AFAM

d2l1 Toronto observed the Earth Hour on Sat, Mar 29Th between 8.00pm and 9.00pm. This was the first time my kids ever spent so long time in dark, only with the candle lights...When we started in the beginning they would insist us to put back the lights again. My Josh would started saying "I'm scared of dark mama." But then we counselled them and set them to spend that one hour with candle lights...

Well this is the little we can do to save energy and in turn say the Environment for our Future.

I planned a Candle light dinner for that hour..so kids will be around table rather than be lost with their toys...
l2 I baked two whole talapias for this candle light dinner, One big for us and another small for kids. So that whole hour passed away as we enjoyed eating the fish separating it from the bones, (which was really a tough part to do in the candle light). No TV, No lights, No Music, No Laptop, it was a perfect family time. Wish we get to do this more often.

Now coming to the fruit of the month...which is Pears, I have never adventured to make anything with this fruit except eating it regularly in its season after my lunch. Thanks to Food blogging which makes us go creative with food. I was able to come up with this salad this weekend.

So this goes to Raaga who is hosting the this month's AFAM : Pears This Event " A Fruit A Month " was originally started by Maheswari of Beyond the Usual.

p1 Check for the Nutritional value of Pears here here and here

Our dear friend from Trinidad runs a Child care centre. This is the Pears tree in that backyard. Every summer we enjoy the bounty from this Pear tree. Last summer I click these pictures.. to post them on my blog when I make something with pears...This is the time for that.

So after this month's AFAM round up I will have enough recipes to try out the lavish of this tree.


All those seen in the picture...I missed to include Balsamic Vinegar, in the picture though.. so that tooi1

Peel skin and cut pears length wise and mix all ingredients in the ratio according to your taste...and enjoy.

We Served this Salad with Baked Lemon Masala Talapia to celebrate a perfect Earth Hour, Candle light dinner. l3


  1. great entry and nice pictures too

  2. Awesome pics and nice entry, Rina! Family time is really precious, isn't it? :)

  3. That is one wonderful looking salad rina.

  4. Very nice presentation and lovely pics.

  5. Great to know ur contibution to earth hour. Even SFO Golden gate was light out for one hour. Ur picture are great and the salad too :)

  6. Thanks for all u'r precious notes...

  7. That candle light photo is very sweet. Earth Day was a total flop in London - very embarrassing!

  8. I think that that was a perfect way to spend some quality time with the family. Perhaps you all should make a pact to do it at least once a month.


Thanks for taking your time to leave your precious notes.