Thursday, June 12, 2008

Spicy lentil Doughnuts in Seasoned Yogurt

AKA - Dahi Vada(Hindi)/Perugu Garelu(Telugu)/Thair Vadai(Tamil)

DSC02582 With the food blog event 'Frozen Yogurt' going on for this month which is hosted by Siri's Corner and with all the goodness of the Yogurt for us to enjoy, I can't but post this recipe.

This is popular for Breakfast/Tiffin or Snack in Tamil Nadu and Andhra. In my house whenever I'm able to make it, it becomes a meal. My two kiddos enjoy it. It's made in no time too.

You can make the vada from scratch or use the store bought ones. To make vada at home, soak required amount of Urad dhall(White Lentils) in water for about 1 to 2 hours, grind it into a smooth paste adding very less water..the batter should be very thick not loose. Add chopped onions, chillies, finely chopped ginger, a few curry leaves, black pepper balls and salt to taste to the ground lentil paste mix well and deep fry them in doughnut shapes. You can ignore adding all other ingredients except salt if you desire a lighter version. Usually in dahi vada is plain version.

Method for Thair Vadai or Perugu Garelu
This is say for about 6-8 vadas :
Just whip a cup of Yogurt, then add 1 cup water, to make the mixture like thick butter milk.
Add salt to taste.
Microwave vadai for 1 minute to make them soft.
Add to the above Yogurt mixture and soak well. Keep aside.
For seasoning, add a tea spoon of oil, after the oil is hot, add 1/4 spoon of mustard, 1/2 tea spoon urad dhall, 2 red chillies broken into pieces, 6-8 curry leaves, a pinch of Hing,
After browning add to Yogurt & vada mixture.
Garnish with Coriander leaves.
DSC02581 Wow!!!!!!!! It tastes good.

The recipe for Dahi vada has a deviation. As I mentioned the plain version of the vada are soaked in little sweetened Yogurt and the above seasonings are not used.
Instead the sweet tamarind sauce is spread on the Yogurt and Vada mixture and garnished with chat masala, cumin powder and a pinch of red chilly powder and coriander leaves.

DSC02585 I planned to write up on the good qualities of Yogurt but you can find that in this post at Siri's Corner.


  1. Wow it looks delicious and i am sure as you told it tasted delicious too.
    Love the picture too.

  2. Wow!!! that was quick Happy. Thanks

  3. Beautiful Dahi bada, yummy! We need those now in this heat!:)

  4. Lovely looking Vada Rina.

    Thanks for sending them over to Frozen Yogurt event..:)


  5. Esther, Too much undi dahi vada, this is always my favorite. I remember my granny used to make it for pongal

  6. They are treat to just look at. Make one deliciously happy.

  7. Hi Bee, Suprised to see u here...
    Thanks for visiting.

  8. Lovely platter! I loved the first picture Rina... beautiful!

  9. I'm not surprised your kids love it because your thair vada certainly looks good.

  10. They look perfect, Rina! The shape has come out sooooo well! Should try making this for my husband. He loves thayir vadai! :)

  11. Great Blog and I really like the Idea of doughnuts being seasoned..


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