Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cardamom Caramel Pudding

AKA The famous Egg Pudding
Happy New Year to all!!! Welcome 2011!!! Hope you bring blessings with you!!! Well its already making news by recording setting temperatures here today at +11c for this time of winter.
Lets starts this new year with a sweet to sweeten our lives all through the year...

Ha ha!!! I know my blog page is filled with dessert posts...I promise my next post will not be a sweet dish..So wait and watch for my next post which will be a spicy yummy flavourful easy to cook dish.

For now lets go ahead with my ever luving Egg pudding, which reminds me of our Telugu version of Junnu..I think I mentioned about it in my Vattlappam post too..but can't help its so delicious that i had to brag about it here too..more over when this egg pudding is so similar to it.
1 Pkt half and half cream(use skimmed milk for healthier version, if u can comprise taste)
4 eggs
3/4 + 1/4 cups Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
6-8 Cardamom pods
Enough water
a pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 160-180˚c or 350F

Keep the pudding ramekins ready to pour the hot caramel sauce.

To the quarter cup of sugar add water just enough to melt it in a pan and cook it on medium heat stirring thoroughly.

Once the color of the liquid changes dark, pour a little into each of the prepared ramekins and set aside.

Whisk eggs thoroughly and to this add milk and keep whisking till all the egg is incorporated into the milk.

To this add rest of the sugar, and mix till sugar dissolves.

Add Vanilla essence, whole,crushed or powdered cardamom, salt and mix well.

Pour this mixture into each of the ramekins containing the caramel sauce.

Fill a wide, deep baking tray or pan with water up to 2/3 level.

Now place the milk filled ramekins on the tray containing water and bake for 45 - 60 mins or till the pudding is set at 325-350F.

Once the pudding looks firm and not wobbly you can be sure it is done.

Remove from the oven and let cool till room temperature, then chill it in the refrigerator till cold.

To serve run a knife through the edges of the ramekins and turn it upside down onto a serving plate to just enjoy it like that.

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